Titis Sampurna
Our Company History
Our journey began in early 80’s, when Mr. Kadek Sardjana and his colleagues, Mr. Trisunu Sudewo, Mr. R. Sujono Hardjodimuljo, Mr. Yufimar Ali, and Mr. Afud Machfudin established a Company engaging in Oil and Gas Industry, such company named by Mr. R. Sujono Hardjodimuljo, TITIS SAMPURNA, which means “Right on Target”. We were defined by 4 decades journey that has molded our character and honed our expertise.
We understand that past accomplishments mean nothing without the ability to learn and adapt in the new era. We started as a company that provided inspection and certification, and then transformed to an expert in operations and maintenance, and now became project owner by executing selective investments upon strategic projects. We have come a long way and we can proudly say that we have significantly contributed to the growth of Indonesia’s energy industry.
Titis Sampurna was born in an era where the oil and gas industry in Indonesia is coming into its highest peak. The 1980’s witnessed the arrival of foreign services companies in Indonesia. As a country so rich with sources of oil and gas, it was a necessity that a local company emerged to stand side by side with the foreign companies, equal in quality. Local expertise in oil and gas industry inspired our birth. Our founders established a company that provided maintenance services for oil and gas equipments, constructions and also project management. Inspection and quality control at international standards recognized us as a qualified service provider. We have since become a trustworthy partner for numbers of major international names in the oil and gas sector.
Our involvement in several Engineering Procurement Construction (EPC) projects in the ‘90s led us to engage in the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) business. The 1997 EPC sub-sea control project that we handled made us the first company in Indonesia that adopted such state-of-the-art technology. Titis Sampurna is strongly committed to meet international standards. We attained our ISO 9001 after successfully conducting a number of O&M services, including the 430 kilometers Pagerungan-Porong-Gresik Pertamina pipeline and the 536 kilometers Grissik-Duri pipeline, owned by Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).
Coming into the twenty-first century, we decided to start new ventures and invested in several projects, including Gas Transmission Facilities Project at Bontang, East Kalimantan and Gas Transmission Facilities and LPG/Gas Extraction Plant in Prabumulih, South Sumatera, which separated natural gas into Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), condensate and lean gas. Titis Sampurna also investing in CNG Plant located in Semanggi, Central Java. It was inspired by the idea of optimizing flared natural gas utilization as well as providing value added products.
In this recent decade, We have broadened our business portfolio. In early 2010, Titis Sampurna conducted a spin off by establishing Titis Sampurna Inspection as a business entity that specializes in the field of Inspection in the oil and gas industry. By this decade, our investment through PT Sumber Pertindo Perkasa (SPP) to build Gas Transfer pipeline from Cepu to Tambak Lorok, Semarang has started to operate. We also entrusted to manage Operation and Maintenance of Central Processing Plant owned by PT Pertamina EP Asset 2, located in Cepu, Central Java. In 2015, Titis Sampurna expanded into petrochemical industry, especially in condensate trading. These projects are part of our long-term commitment to support the growth of Indonesia energy industry.