In every journey, there is always a manifestation of dreams, hard work, and dedication. In the spirit of giving our best to our beloved country, Titis Sampurna hopes to be a significant part in the long history of oil and gas industry in general, and the energy industry in particular. It has been more than 40 years of hard work and sometimes, struggle, in assuring that we indeed have left a significant mark in the industry. It was never a walk in the park, but we did our best to make our nation proud.
Through applied innovations and technologies, dedicated human resources, efforts to improve stakeholders‘ well-being, stable collaboration with other parties, and improvements in every aspect, we are indeed stating our presence. We are here to stay. Innovation and curiosity to try new things and reach our ultimate target is an inseparable part of our journey.
The confidence to invest in the oil and gas industry came as we are transforming through inspections, operations and also maintenances. Experiences are our wisest teacher. Thus, we are improving and maturing with every step we take. The future will be better and we are consistently working to make it so.
The 44 years to come will be a solid working ground for us with the basis that we have build for almost forty years. The energy that pours from our spirit and dreams to serve Indonesia keeps us moving and growing. We are determined to be one of the major players in Indonesia‘s energy industry; thus, we will be one.
Cokorda Adnyana
Titis Sampurna will only sustain through the hands and minds of the dedicated and visionary. They are the main driver of this vehicle, the agent of changes, and the forefront in tackling challenges. People Behind Titis Sampurna :
President Commissioner
Kadek Sardjana
Budi Indianto
President Director
Cokorda Adnyana
Managing Director
Thomas Aquino
Operation Director
IG Ketut Widhiantara
Business Development and Project Director
Dicky Ahmad Gustyana
Finance and Corporate Office Director
Ferry Fahrizha